Monday, February 21, 2005

February 19 Election Results

Monday, February 21, 2005 Posted by Admin No comments
The election for the Director of the Association with 2-year term was held on Saturday February 19, 2005 from 9:00a.m. until 2:00p.m.

A total of 120 ballots were cast.

The results are :

Marietta Baz - 17

Rommel Santos - 50

Antonio Tongco - 53

Congratulations to Mr. Tongco, the residents/homeowners that took the time to vote in this election.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

2004 Financial Report

Sunday, February 20, 2005 Posted by Admin
In order to view the 2004 Financial Statement you will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Download :

Download : 2004 Financial Report

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Election and General Assembly

Thursday, February 10, 2005 Posted by Admin No comments
Dear Fellow Residents and Homeowners :

On February 19, 10 days from today our community will be electing the 5th member of the Board of Directors, taking the seat of Director Abel Madarang who has served our community with generosity and commitment despite the heavy demands of his job. Director Madarang has shared a lot of wisdom, borne out of experience, in many of our deliberations covering a lot of issues affecting our life as a community.

It is well for us to remember that our vote is our direct participation in determining the course of our community life. We should therefore exercise it with great responsibility. Needless to say, we ought to select men or women with unquestinoble integrity, competence, clarity of vision and purpose, dedication to service, self-leadership and discipline. It has been said that people deserve the kind of leader they choose. If we want order, peace, harmony, cooperation, unity and clear direction to define our life in our community then we should select leaders who espouse these values and not those who exhibit the contrary in their personal and public lives.

The four official nominees to the position; 1) Rommel Santos, 2) Joemar Abilay, 3) Marietta Baz, and 4) Antonio Tongco are all qualified to be voted to the office. Since only one will be elected, we need to be discerning in the process of making our choice. The Election Secretariat wiil soon be coming out with important communications that will help you get to know better the four candidates in terms of their background, and their vision for our community. It would be a lot helpful also if you will take the iniative to get to know each one by asking feedback from those who personally know them.

The Election will start at 9:00a.m. and close at 2:00p.m. Canvassing of votes and proclamation of the winner will immediately follow. The General Assembly and the President's report will start at 4:00p.m.

Come February 19, 2005, let us all go to the clubhouse and vote. The future of our community is in our hands.

Thank you and God Bless !

Andy de la Cruz